There are limits to an individual’s capabilities. Although with expert guidance and a nutritive diet, the body can be trained to perform to its full potential.
One of the factors which separate the talented from the ordinaryis quick reflexes (movement) during any game. Sports performance depends on two main factors:
Deep squat
IN line range
Hurdle step
Shoulder mobility
Stability push-up
Active strength leg raise
Among the two, it’s the SFMSwhich requires a combination of muscle strength, flexibility and range of motions. The SFMS has a direct relation with sports performance. A higher SFMS score means better performance.
The sports performance can be increased substantially if adequate training is provided on SFMS parts.
Usually, the kids that start early become better athletes than the late bloomers. Long term athletic development (LTAD) is found to giveexcellent results. If we start around 6-8 years for girls and 7-9 years for boys,the professional SFMS training can help in developingbrilliant athletes.
With our skilled SFMS sports trainers and passionate physios, your sports performance is bound to go a notch higher.