Young champ working hard with his patient. He earned more experience in fewer years of practice.
Have good manipulation hands, expert in fascia release and manual therapy. He loves to treat Gym and sports injuries more than 1000 cases treated so far successfully.
Mr.Divansh Joshi India Under-19 Cricketer
Mr.Harimohan Singh Amateur Golfer
Mr.Tanishq Mahajan INLINE SPEED SKATER India
Mr.Manpreet Singh Delhi Cricketer
Mr.Amardeep Malik PRO Golfer
Mr.Ankur Chadha PRO Golfer
Mr. Digraj Singh GillPRO Golfer
Mr. Gaurav Pratap Singh PRO Golfer
Mr. Dhruv Prashar Cricketer
Mr.Nikhil Prabhu Footballer (Hyderabad FC)